BOMBED OUT CHURCH is an open-air venue without a cover for either the stage or the auditorium. We recommend that our audiences come prepared for all eventualities. UMBRELLAS ARE PROHIBITED.
If the weather is considered not to pose risk to either performers or audience the show will go on.
If the weather does pose a risk to performers or the audience the curtain up time will be postponed for up to half an hour; if the weather improves the show will go on.
If the weather does not improve a decision will be made by the Duty Manager and the Company Rep to cancel the show.
Unfortunately, as we are an outdoor venue there are times when we will have to cancel shows, in this instance the BOMBED OUT CHURCH Duty Manager will:
Make an announcement to the audience at the venue.
Notify our ticketing agent and activate the refund procedure.
Update the BOMBED OUT CHURCH website.
Announce cancellation on the BOMBED OUT CHURCH Facebook page.
Put up signage at the venue.
If a show has to be cancelled mid-performance we will try our best to exchange tickets, but this is subject to availability.
BOMBED OUT CHURCH reserves the right to ask anyone displaying antisocial behaviour to leave the premises with no refund offered.
All refunds and exchanges are subject to availability, additionally, an admin charge may be incurred at the venues' discretion.
By attending a performance at BOMBED OUT CHURCH you are agreeing to images of yourself to be shared.
Searches may be in operation.
The venue operates a Policy of zero tolerance for Weapons and Controlled Drugs.
Flammables and spray paints will not be allowed onto the site.
Alcohol Sales are over 18’s only. A ‘Challenge 25’ policy will be in operation.
Dogs are usually allowed inside the church during performances, depending on the performance type but the venue MUST be notified in advance, as we cannot guarantee entry unless notified in advance.
Bombed Out Church has uneven surfaces, please take care when moving around site.
Bombed Out Church is private property and rights of access are reserved.